4 Married Guys Start Talking About Their Wives While Fishing

4 Married Guys Start Talking About Their Wives While Fishing

As the group gathered for their fishing trip, most of them were dreading the impending 'honey-do' lists that awaited their return home. However, one man among them had a clever plan that surely left the others envious.

Four married friends set out for a fishing adventure. After about an hour, their conversation took an interesting turn:

First guy: "You wouldn't believe the negotiations I had to undertake just to get permission for this fishing weekend. I've committed to painting every room in the house next weekend." Second guy: "You think that's tough? I promised my wife an entire new deck for the pool." Third guy: "Well, you guys got off easy. I had to assure my wife that I'd take on a full kitchen remodel."

As they continued casting their lines, they noticed the fourth guy hadn't uttered a word. Intrigued, they inquired, "You've been silent about what you had to do to make this fishing trip happen. What's your story?"

The fourth guy finally spoke up with a mischievous grin, "I simply set my alarm for 5:30 am. When it rang, I turned it off, nudged my wife, and presented her with a choice: 'Fishing, or... you know.' Without hesitation, she replied, 'Wear a sweater.'"

Laughter filled the air as they realized the fourth guy had outsmarted the usual negotiations with his playful approach.

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