My wife was sleeping next to me

A man said, "My wife was sleeping next to me, and suddenly I got a Facebook notification. A girl asked to add me, so I thought of seeing who it was.

I accepted her friend request and sent her a message asking, 'What do you want?'

She replied, 'I saw you were married. I'm so happy for you, but I still miss you.' (She was a friend from the past, and of course, a pretty girl.)

I closed the chat to make sure my wife was still sleeping. I looked at her; she slept deeply after her exhausting day, dealing with all the tasks in our house. As I looked at her, I started thinking: How would she feel if she learned about our brief discussion? What could she think?

I thought about how she is far from home, where she spent 18 years surrounded by her family. When she got mad or sad, her mom was there to comfort her, and her dad would come home and bring her everything she wanted. All these thoughts flooded my mind, so I took the phone and said, 'Yes, and today I am well, happy, and fulfilled with the person who brings me everything I need on a daily basis.' Then I pressed Block.

I went back to look at her and sleep by her side, because I'm a man who doesn't cheat on his wife and doesn't break his family."