Girls Do You Know What Is The Purpose Of Small Pocket In Your Underwear

A portion of the items we use every day have different purposes, and some parts are special and uncommon too. Many people are confused by the purpose of these parts. For example, do you know what the little pockets on female clothing are for? Here are 6 items we use each day and the purpose of their particular parts:

1. The pockets on your panties
The pockets on female underwear are added for better comfort. This layer is made of soft cotton and is not sewn down to make you more comfortable.

2. The diamond-shaped holes on backpacks

These holes were used as camping equipment for hiking and allow easier tying of the backpack.

3. Bobbles on hats

This part on hats first appeared in the 19th century among French sailors. At that time, the cabins on ships had low roofs, and the bobbles were added as a safety measure. Later, the bobbles were added on knitted hats as a unique detail. Nowadays, bobbles are used solely as an aesthetic feature.

4. Lines on trousers

Lines on trousers first appeared in the later 19th century in Europe. After making a pair, the trousers were folded and sent on a long road to countries around the world. Even though they spent miles on the road, the trousers always had the lines. After a while, people accepted them, and they're now a part of every pair of trousers.

5. Lines on toothpaste

Many people believe that the lines on the toothpaste represent the quality of the product, but they are actually bar codes. According to manufacturers, the bar codes are used by the machines that produce the packaging and cut the tubes.

6. The hole on a lollipop stick
The holes on lollipop sticks are there to make fixing the candy easier. During manufacture, the hole is made in the stick, and the lollipop is fixed on it afterward.
