Every girl ought to know these 15 tips with baking soda

People have known about the valuable properties of baking soda since ancient times, including in Ancient Egypt. We are aware of around 300 different ways to use it, which housewives from all over the world have been using for centuries. In this article, you will discover the fifteen most popular uses of baking soda.

We're certain that you have baking soda at home. But do you only use it for baking? This versatile and affordable tool can be used not only to alleviate the symptoms of heartburn or bake pies but for so much more. If you were to make a list of essential products to have, baking soda could possibly be at the top of the list.

Baking soda is a universal and readily available item. It can assist you throughout the house, for personal hygiene, and even in dealing with unwanted pests, making everything easier. Put away those cleaners and other items bought at the hardware store, as they can be harmful to your health and pollute the environment!

Start using baking soda in every corner of your home, for personal hygiene, and even for decorative purposes. You can use it for your skin and hair, to combat stretch marks, and to whiten your teeth. Take a look at all the different ways you can use it:

1. Natural deodorant.
Stop using chemical deodorants and switch to baking soda.

2. Insect bites.
It can relieve irritation caused by insect bites.

3. Heartburn.
Baking soda can help alleviate heartburn.

4. Scrub.
Use it to fight skin imperfections such as wrinkles, blackheads, and discoloration.

5. Hair.
Baking soda can promote hair growth.

6. Stretch marks.
It can reduce the visibility of stretch marks.

7. Poor breath.
Use baking soda to combat this problem.

8. Rough skin.
Apply warm socks with baking soda to address rough skin.

9. Stains.
Baking soda is effective in removing stains.

10. Fridge odor.
It fights unpleasant odors in your refrigerator.

11. Jewelry.
It can restore the shine to your jewelry.

12. Abscesses.
Baking soda is used as a treatment for abscesses.

13. Sunburn.
Soothe burnt skin with baking soda.

14. Peas and beans softener.
Prepare beans and peas for cooking faster.

15. White teeth.
Brush your teeth with baking soda to make them whiter.

Resource: healthy-energy. online