44 Secret Gross Issues That All Women Do However Don’t Discuss About

1) Wearing the same br* for at least a week.

2) Wearing that particular br* only once every six weeks because it's the only one that works with a certain top, and never actually washing it.

3) Wearing old br*s that are definitely the wrong size now, but you just can't bear to part with them.

4) Placing a br* in the washing basket, and then taking it out again when you realize how uncomfortable all your other ones are.

5) Inspecting your tamp*n after it's been used.

6) And realizing that "blo*d" is a pretty weak description of what a period truly is.

7) Wearing a sanit*ry towel along with a tampon.

8) Getting your pubes trapped in a pa*'s "wings".

9) Actually enjoying extracting ingrown hai*s.

10) Having intense sessions with the twe*zers where you remove every single one.

11) Creating hair art on the shower walls from all the hair that falls off your head.

12) And finding it quite satisfying to pluck out those stray hairs that get caught in your bu*t crack.

13) Playing with your pub*s in a completely non-se*xy way.

14) Owning a pair of scissors specifically used for tr*mming your pub*s.

15) Or simply trimming your pub*s with any old scissors and hoping nobody notices.

16) Also giving them a haircut while sitting on the toilet and marveling at the amount you can trim off.

17) But also being terrified you'll accidentally snip something important.

18) Removing all your pub*s and then being freaked out by your bare vag*na.

19) Removing all your pub*s and swearing that they were hiding an entire extra tummy roll.

20) Removing all your pub*s and enjoying the breeze.

21) Removing all your pub*s and immediately regretting it because you look like an oversized baby.

22) Owning old knick*rs where your pub*s have actually managed to wear a hole through the front.

23) Still wearing those old knick*rs and creating a little pubic ponytail through the hole.

24) Secretly thinking that this is definitely a good look.

25) Eating a piece of food that has fallen into your cleavage.

26) Using your br* as pockets because, let's face it: Women's jeans pockets are completely useless.

27)Storing something in your br*, forgetting about it, and only remembering it when you take off your br* that night and it just falls out.

28) Mastering taking off your br* without removing your top.

29) And doing this pretty much every time you get home from work.

30) Only sh*ving your legs when you know they're going to be on show.

31) And then only sh*ving the bits that will show.

32) Sh*ving your toes.

33) Forgetting to shave your toes.

34) Being slightly insulted but also pleased when you go for a lower-leg w*x and they do your toes without asking.

35) Playing with your own b*obs in the mirror.

36) Squishing them together and wishing you could get a br* that was half as good as your own hands.

37) Pushing them up to your chin to see what you'd look like in a corset from the olden days.

38) Pushing them down to see what they'll look like when they get saggier.

39) Making them do a little dance.

40) Plucking your n*pple hairs.

41) And the ones around your belly button.

42) Quite enjoying p*pping a spot.

43) And attempting to pop those that aren't quite ready yet.

44) Scratching your b*tt and then having a little sniff, just to make sure it's all good down there..

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